The MWWC East Central Section serves operators in the following counties: Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Montgomery, St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, and Washington. The 2024 East Central Section Meeting was held, in St. Peters, on Thursday, May 16. Attendance at the event was 107 including sixty-six individual water and wastewater professionals, twenty-nine vendor reps, and twelve guests including retired life members and spouses. Incoming section officers are Chair Tony Davis (Missouri American Water), Vice Chair Jeremy Barron (Woodward & Curran), Secretary/Treasurer Bobby Nichols (Woodard & Curran), and Section Board Rep Shelley Lane (American Water). The section's 2025 annual meeting is tentatively set for May 15, 2025.
Midwest Section
The MWWC Midwest Section serves operators in the following counties: Benton, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Crawford, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, Pettis, Phelps, and Pulaski. The 2024 Midwest Section Meeting was held, in Columbia, on Thursday, May 2. Attendance at the event was 109 including sixty-three individual water and wastewater professionals, twenty-two vendor reps, and twenty-four guests including life members, spouses, and presenters. Incoming section officers are Chair & Section Board Rep Tim Gephardt (University of Missouri Columbia), Vice Chair Terrance Camp (University of Missouri Columbia), and Secretary/Treasurer Dean Bryant (City of Columbia). The next Midwest Section Meeting will be held in Columbia on May 1, 2025.
Northeast Section
The MWWC Northeast Section serves members in the following counties: Adair, Audrain, Carroll, Chariton, Clark, Grundy, Howard, Knox, Lewis, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Marion, Mercer, Monroe, Pike, Putman, Ralls, Randolph, Saline, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, and Sullivan. MWWC's 2024 Northeast Section Meeting was held, in Macon, on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Attendance was one 123 including seventy-seven water and wastewater professionals, ten speakers, and forty-four vendor reps. Incoming section officers are Chair LaDon Atkinson (Alliance Water Resources), Vice-chair Travis Boss (Marshall Municipal Utilities), Secretary/Treasurer Lauren Watson (Macon Municipal Utilities), and Section Board Rep Tyler Stuhlman (Alliance Water Resources) Next year's Northeast Section Meeting will be held in Macon on April 15, 2025.
Northwest Section
The MWWC Northwest Section serves members in the following counties: Andrew, Atchison, Bates, Buchanan, Caldwell, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Harrison, Holt, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Nodaway, Platte, Ray, and Worth. The 2024 Northwest Section Meeting was held, in St. Joe, on Thursday, April 4. Attendance at the event was 135 including seventy-two individual water and wastewater professionals, thirty-six vendor reps, and twenty-seven guests including life members, spouses, and presenters. Incoming section officers are Chair Randall Harris (Platte Co. Regional Sewer District), Vice-chair Trudi Burton (Retired; City of Gallatin), Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Allwood (City of Maysville), and Section Board Rep John Brown (City of Fairfax). Trudi Burton received the David L. Williams Award. The section's Kramer Award recipient is Scott Jones (Platte County Regional Sewer District). Aaron King (City of Parkville) is the section's 2024 outstanding operator of the Year. Next year's Northwest Section Meeting will be held in St. Joseph on April 3, 2025.
Southeast Section
The MWWC Southeast Section serves members in the following counties: Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Carter, Dent, Dunklin, Howell, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Oregon, Pemiscot, Perry, Ripley, Scott, Shannon, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Stoddard, Texas, and Wayne. The section held its 2024 annual meeting in Cape on Thursday, April 25. Two hundred ten participants, including one hundred thirty-five individual water and wastewater professionals, fifty-seven vendor reps, and three guests attended the event. Incoming section officers are Chair Keith Morrow (City of Cape Girardeau), Vice-chair Barry Shirkey (Sikeston), Secretary/Treasurer Quentin Overbeck (City of Sikeston), Training Chair, Todd Fulton (City of Cape Girardeau), and Section Board Rep Allen Taylor (Retired). Todd Fulton (City of Cape Girardeau) received an award of recognition for fifteen years of service to the MWWC. Next year's Southeast Section Meeting will be held in in Cape on April 9, 2025. 2025 Exhibitor Registration
Southwest Section
The MWWC Southwest Section serves members in the following counties: Barry, Barton, Cedar, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Douglas, Greene, Hickory, Jasper, Laclede, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Ozark, Polk, St. Clair, Stone, Taney, Vernon, Webster, and Wright. The 2024 Southwest Section Meetingwas held in Springfield on May 7. Ninety-eight participants, including ninety-five individual water and wastewater professionals, twenty-two vendor reps, and three guests attended the event. Incoming section officers are Chair Brandon Brown (Carthage Water & Electric Plant), Vice-chair Kelby Stephens (City of Springfield), Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay Bein (City of Springfield), Training Chair, Simon Kazempour (City of Springfield), and Section Board Rep John Waitman (City of Springfield). Randy Ridgeway (City of El Dorado Springs) is the section's 2024 Water Treatment Operator of the Year.
2025 Southwest Section Meeting Tuesday, May 6, 2025 Carthage Memorial Hall 407 S. Garrison Avenue Carthage, MO 64836 Exhibitor Registration Form